Friday, March 20, 2009

Catching Up

I have a lot to catch up on from my last post. I am working at Seoul Jamhyun Elementary School. It is on the Southern side of Seoul, which is very upscale. My morning commute consist of me walking down a huge hill for about 15 minutes arriving at the subway getting on Line 6 for about 10 minutes then we transfer (5 min.) to Line 2 which we sit on for about 25 minutes. Finally we arrive at our school which is just across the street from our subway stop. The school is so nice, it just opened in October 2008. We met our school principal, vice principal and our classroom teacher Kate. I was surprised to learn that nobody speaks English and that they hired Kate 2 weeks before our arrival because she knows English. Then I met students I will be teaching, 6th graders. Their English skills range from fluent to very little knowledge of reading, writing and speaking in English. One boy in my class just moved here from Rhode Island where he lived all of his life. Most of the children's parents work for Samsung and they live in these huge high rise apartments across the street from the school, like I said it is a very nice part of town.

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